Japan Summer 2024 - Day 25 • Hyuga to Nichinan

Japan Summer 2024 - Day 25 June 22, 2024 Hyuga to Nichinan to 141 Km Start 7:45 AM Finish 7:46 PM Total Duration 12:01 Moving Time 8:11 Stopped Time 3:51 Ascent 860 m Descent 881 m Tour Total 2,627 Km Details at: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/193666910 I slept well last night at the Minatohashira Shrine outside of Hyuga. Last night I sat on the steps and drank beer until it was time to go to bed. I set up my tent on the edge of the complex near a deep crevasse that spring water led through. Below where the crashing waves of the Hyūga Sea. Passenger trains went by during the night and I slept with my earplugs. It began to rain before dawn, and my sandals had been left outside and the side flaps on my tent fly hadn't been closed. It was misty when I got up this morning, and I used the dry area under the eaves of the shrine to pack. Mosquitoes attempted to ravish me. The route took me through the historic district of Mimitsu. The stone paved street led through wooden hou...